Plantek Limited

PlantekLimited Company Profile

This  company profile is  normally drafted for potential  government regulators, key stakeholders or even important potential customers or suppliers. Financial institutions are also a frequent recipient of this information. On the other hand, Our company profiles vary in its degree of detail in line with Architectural Consultancy. We have decided to  publish our company profile on  this  websites for potential clients, so they can get a sense of who they are dealing with.

PlantekLimited is a registered architectural firm in Uganda. We offer different services in the architectural world including architectural consultancy, planning, engineering, project management and supervision services. The practice brings together a wealth of creative and highly innovative professionals, creating a leading built environment consultancy. Founded in 2001, the practice is managed and run by a team of Principal Consultants who are highly qualified, experienced, committed and dynamic with vast knowledge of today’s modern modules of Project Design and Management.  Click Here to Download a PDF file